ACAC Code of Conduct

  • The American Council for Accredited Certification is a professional association and independent certifying body. The Board of Directors has adopted, and commends to its leaders, volunteers, employees, contractors, and certificants, the following code of conduct.

  • The objective of this code is to provide guidance for appropriate conduct for individuals associated with the American Council for Accredited Certification as they engage in their individual professions, for the adjudication of complaints against certificants, and for processing appeals of the decisions of ACAC certification boards.

  • Individuals associated with the American Council for Accredited Certification shall:

    1. Practice their respective professions following accepted industry standards and guidelines.

    2. Exercise caution not to misrepresent their credentials, training or experience.

    3. Deal responsibly in advising parties regarding potential risks related to their fields of expertise.

    4. Maintain confidentiality concerning both personal and business information gathered in the performance of their professions, except in the case of overriding legal and/or health concerns.

    5. Avoid instances where conflict of interest or compromise of professional judgment may occur.

    6. Act with integrity to uphold the standards of their profession and of the Council and avoid any conduct that could adversely reflect on the Council and its certificants.

  • The American Council for Accredited Certification strongly discourages its certificants from performing both assessment services and contracting services on the same project. Certificants who offer both services to the same client create a perceived conflict of interest regardless of their integrity. Nevertheless, as circumstances sometimes prevent the employment of multiple professionals on the same project, ACAC does not prohibit the practice, nor does ACAC make compliance with this policy a condition of continued certification.

    1. The Certification Board is responsible for all facets of the certification program, including the review and evaluation of applications, the development and administration of examinations, the granting and reissuing of certificates and the adjudication of complaints against certificants.

    2. Any holder of a valid ACAC certification or applicant for such a certification may appeal the decisions of the Certification Board.

    3. The complaint or appeal shall be made in writing via certified mail to the Certification Administrator.

    4. In the case of complaints, the Certification Administrator shall forward the complaint to the accused certificant and allow him or her ample time to respond.

    5. The Certification Administrator, at the direction of the Executive Committee, may forward the complaint or appeal to the Certification Board, which oversees the certification program in question.

    6. The Certification Board will review its decision in the case and rule on the complaint or appeal by unanimous vote.

    7. Once the Certification Board has ruled, the complaint or appeal may be requested to be continued in writing via certified mail to the National Advisory Board.

    8. The National Advisory Board will be the final court of appeal and will rule on the complaint or appeal by unanimous vote.

    9. In resolving complaints or appeals, ACAC may rule only on its own decisions to grant or deny certification and recertification.