Find a Council-certified professional near you.

This database is updated every Friday.

  • Enter a LAST name or company name to verify certification of any individual.

  • Use the state and country filters to narrow your search geographically.

  • Use the “Certifications” filter to narrow your search to one or more specific designations.

  • Use the “Insured” filter to find companies* that employ ACAC certificants and also carry professional liability or contractors pollution liability insurance.

  • NEED TO UPDATE YOUR LISTING? Call or email our friendly staff using the contact information at the bottom of this page.

 *Note:  Listing on this website is neither an endorsement nor a recommendation of the companies listed.  Listing serves solely to identify companies as employing at least one Council-certified professional.

Individuals using this list are strongly encouraged to inquire about the specific types of both general and professional liability coverage carried by those listed.

Professional liability insurance is similar to malpractice insurance carried by doctors, accountants, engineers and other professionals.  Different from general liability that may cover someone's expenses from a slip and fall incident, professional liability insurance is designed to protect the professional from actions that stem from his/her professional capacity and training.  Some insurance companies refer to professional liability as "errors and omissions" (E&O).


Ask your agent or broker to provide a certificate of insurance from your carrier that a) names the ACAC as a certificate holder and b) lists professional liability (as defined above) or contractors pollution liability insurance among your coverages.

Mail or email the form to the ACAC office.